News, Updates

Spring 2022 Classes Gratitude

Dear Friends,

We have recently completed another series of online classes with Dr. Timuçin Çevikoğlu. The format of these study sessions has provided a remarkable vehicle for us to taste further of this great tradition. We all have benefited from the unique historical research Hoca has done that informs new approaches to teaching this music, while at the same time honoring the traditional meşk principles and providing us with individualized feedback and instruction.

If you participated in the recent classes we would love to hear from you about your experiences and what was most valuable to you, what challenged you most, and if you would look forward to more STCM class offerings. If you were not able or chose not to join us this time we would like to know about what influenced your decision, as it may inform directions we take going forward. If all this is new to you we would like to welcome you and invite you to join us in the coming explorations of this remarkable cultural and musical heritage.

With the pandemic situation we don’t know precisely yet how our next offerings will look. If conditions permit we may organize an in-person study opportunity in the U.S. or we may need to continue with the online format that has been serving us for this last year and a half. Please plan to keep in touch so we can include you in planning as it develops.

With all best wishes,

Your friends at STCM